Andy Hong (Endi)

Management Consultant

Career and education background :

I have completed a Bachelor of Commerce at Macquarie University (International Business/Human Resource) and have five years’ recruitment experience in software, web and mobile engineering – in both the permanent and contract arenas. I joined Talenza in 2018 and as someone who absolutely hated going for interviews and was never confident attending them – I love the fact that this is now part of my day-to-day responsibilities, giving candidates guidance and supporting them through the interview process.

What I’m passionate about:

Like a lot of the others in the office, I am extremely competitive when it comes to sports (Oztag & Tennis in particular!) I can also often be found singing random Disney songs during the day...

What you can call me for:

​In the business, I am the go-to tech person. I have 4 years experience specialising in software engineering & development (Java/JavaScript). This will extend to mobile (IOS & Android) & web (PHP) as well.

Two facts about me:

​I almost drowned saving a friend at Bondi Beach, and was then asked by the lifeguard if they could use the segment for the new season opener for Bondi Rescue!

I wanted to join the army straight out of high school but it was short-lived as I discovered that I am colour-blind!

Andy Hong