3 Reasons Why A Stand-Out EVP Is More Important Than Ever
A strong, human-centric employee value proposition (EVP) is your sales pitch to attract highly desired, values-aligned talent. In an evolving environment where change is the only constant, your EVP is more important than ever in attracting and retaining the right people for now, and that not-so-distant future!
Here are three big reasons why a stand-out EVP is important in 2022.
#1 Securing the right skills for future needs
Are you hiring strategically, or reactively to meet a head count? Because your EVP plays an important role in attracting the talent of the future.
Smart organisations have one eye on the current skills gaps while keeping the other on their future needs – consider the constant evolution of technology, planned org restructures, and/or new business models to meet external environmental shifts.
Ask yourselves, does our EVP offer enough to attract and retain versatile, adaptable people who want to reskill, upskill and re-engage with the workforce as we evolve?
Because a person’s contribution may extend well beyond their current role description. Take developers for example. You’ll probably find a few who’d rather code than manage people! So, you’ll want an EVP that shows various progression pathways and development initiatives that support continuous skills learning, while planning for potential gaps in your management pipeline.
#2 Helping employees thrive with effective tech and processes
McKinsey’s Organizational Health Index has shown that IT teams often score well below average in terms of health or ability to execute strategic goals. Inefficient and outdated technologies, processes, and rigid job designs can all affect productivity, engagement, and wellbeing. Throw in the overwhelming demand on tech talent since the pandemic began, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for burnout and disengagement.
Ask yourselves, how can we better support our tech talent, so they’re set up to thrive?
Your EVP will stand out if it offers continuous improvement, and arms employees with the technology and processes they need to do their jobs (and life) well.
#3 Helping employees succeed at work and home
Workplace wellbeing is what people want – our 2022 candidate motivators report told us so. Forty percent of respondents said that promoting balance and wellbeing is important to them when considering an employer. And it’s not hard to see why.
The rise of remote working has led to an always-on 9-5-day extending into our personal lives, with increased feelings of isolation in the absence of in-office interactions. Which means a wellbeing focus can’t just be about blanket offers, like free yoga classes and gym discounts.
Ask yourselves, Are we doing enough to help our employees succeed at home and at work?
People don’t want to feel like a number or an after-thought. Consider tailoring your EVP offer to meet individual needs to help them be the best they can be in all realms of their life.
Having a convincing EVP won’t just help you in the short-term, must-fill now sense. Design a human-centric, future-focused EVP, and you’ll be able to attract and retain talent with the right skills, attitude, and values to evolve with your organisation well into the future.
Download our Candidate Motivators Report to build an EVP fit for 2022.