How to ask about career development during interviews


A new job is a big deal. Make the right decision? Your career can quickly soar. But get it wrong? You may find your career stagnate and your overall contentment and wellbeing decline. 

If you’re seeking a new opportunity, you’re probably looking at it for the longer term. Which means you’ll be considering career development and advancement when sussing out roles and employers. But how to know whether your potential new employer will support your career aspirations? 

Ask them during interviews. 

Is it even OK to ask about career development in interviews? 

Of course it is! Let’s be clear on one thing, job interviews are two-way – they’re just as important for you to gather the information you need to make the right employment decision as they are for employers in hiring you. So, while asking these questions may feel awkward at first, just think about the valuable insights you’ll gain! 

Additionally, showing interest in your own development and progression can demonstrate that you are driven and committed to succeed in the organisation. Win-win, right? 

10 growth-focused questions to ask 

Before you go firing off these clever questions, practice your interview etiquette so you come off as curious and not demanding. Practice being confident, polite, and understanding, and always use active listening so you can engage in a conversation about the opportunities (instead of sounding like a hard-hitting investigative journalist). 

Right, now ready? 

For skills-growth questions, consider:

  1. What mentoring and/or coaching opportunities are available? 
  2. What new skills are needed to progress in my career and how is that usually supported? 
  3. Does the company provide any assistance if I complete formal qualifications outside of work? 

For career pathway questions, consider:

  1. What does a typical career path look like for this role? 
  2. If employees are interested in cross-skilling into a new role or department, how are they supported to do so? 

For management pathway questions, consider:

  1. Do you have examples of people in current leadership roles that have grown their careers within the company? 
  2. How does the company assess merit for promotion opportunities? 
  3. Is leadership training provided to employees stepping into managerial roles? 

For personal growth questions, consider:

  1. What sort of benefits are offered to support and encourage personal growth? (that could be along the lines of health and wellbeing coaching, career planning, financial coaching, or building resilience) 
  2. How would you describe the feedback culture at your company? 

Reflect and assess before accepting job offers 

If your personal and career development is important to you, you’ll want to gather as much information as you need to make an informed decision. The information you need may differ based on where you’re at in your career (for example, a graduate may be more interested in skills development, where someone five years into their career might have eyes on management), so make sure you’re asking questions that align with your career goals

If you are applying for roles right now, then there’s a good chance you’re actively seeking a growth opportunity. So, don’t let this big change go to waste. Ask questions about your career development opportunities during interviews, so you can be sure to find the right employer to support your aspirations. 

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